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The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc. Temple #12 Charlotte, N.C.

One Allah-One Prophet-One Temple
Link to the Official M.S.T. of A., Inc. Home Office Website

The Moorish Divine and National Movement
Come all Ye Asiatics and learn the TRUTH about your Nationality and Birthrights, because you are not colored, etc., and you must claim a FREE NATIONAL NAME to be an American Citizen.
Learn of your forefathers' DIVINE and ANCIENT CREED, that you will learn to LOVE instead of hate.
We are trying to uplift FALLEN HUMANITY.
COME and LINK yourselves with the FAMILIES of NATIONS.
We honor all TRUE and DIVINE PROPHETS: Jesus, Mohammed, Buddha, Confucius, etc.
Under the DIVINE PRINCIPLES all Asiatics of America need to come and take out their NATIONALITY nad IDENTIFICATION CARD from the Moorish Science Temple of America, that you may be blessed by your Father, God, Allah.
These HOLY and DIVINE words are from the Prophet, Noble Drew Ali,
The Founder of the Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.

The Moorish Science Temple of America, Inc.

Deriving its Power and Authority from the Great Koran of Mohammed, to

  • Propogate the Faith and extend the learning and truth of the Great Prophet of Ali in America
  • To Appoint and ConsecrateMissionaries of the Prophet
  • To Establish the Faith of Mohammed in America

May the Peace and Blessings of our Father, God Allah be with you.
Website built 10/2006

We Dedicate this website and its subsequent success to the endearing memory of our Temple and State Ancestor:
Mother Sylvia Gaines-El

This is a link to the National Historical Society of Islamism

We are asking for all loyal, Faithful Moors, Members, and American Citizens to aid Us in Uplifting fallen humanity

"O thou, the favorite of Heaven, whom the sons of men, thy equals have agreed to raise to sovereign power and set as a ruler over themselves; consider the ends and importance of their trust, far more than the dignity and height of thy station..."